Your state’s driving manual will introduce you to basic driving rules and traffic laws. A complete run-down of all vehicle and traffic laws can usually be accessed on your state’s transportation department website. All drivers must be well-versed in basic traffic laws, as failure to abide by them will create dangerous driving situations and may result in a fine, penalty or suspension of your driver’s license. Traffic laws are not open to interpretation; the law is the law and must be followed to the letter.
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Jul 20, 2016 Slow drivers in left lane could get ticketed. 'Slower traffic, keep right.' That's for a reason, to keep the flow of traffic open, to keep Maryland roadways open. It definitely minimizes. Study Flashcards On Road Signs at Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. makes it easy to get the grade you want!
It is important to look up basic driving rules and traffic laws in your driver’s manual in addition to working through this summary, as they are not identical in every state. Though most of the main traffic laws are the same, or similar, across the US.
The Basic Speed Rule
Many states – including Texas and California – have what is referred to as the “Basic Speed Law”. This law states that drivers must never exceed a safe speed limit based on current roadway and traffic conditions. Motorists may be cited for breaking this law, even if they are traveling at or beneath the posted speed limit.
Always remember that posted speed limits are based on “ideal” or normal conditions. If driving in bad weather, heavy traffic or some other hazardous situation, drivers must reduce their speed further below the posted limit.
Prima facie speed limits
Exceeding the speed limit is against the law. You must know the speed limit for the road you are driving on, even if there are no posted speed limit signs on the roadway. Each state has general, prima facie speed limits, which apply when there are no speed limit signs posted. Prima facie speed limits are determined by area and roadway type.
Speed limits are very similar around the United States, though there are minor variations. We have included some state-specific examples of prima facie speed limits in our later article: “Speed Limits Across the US”. Do not forget to look up your state’s speed limits in your official driver’s handbook.
Drive on the right
One of our country’s longest-standing road laws states that motorists must drive on the right side of the road, to prevent conflict between opposing streams of traffic. Drivers should always keep to the right, unless passing another vehicle, avoiding an obstacle, traveling on a multi-lane road or moving along a one-way street.
Slow traffic must keep right
When there are multiple lanes of traffic moving in the same direction on a roadway, the slowest vehicles should occupy the right-hand lane. This rule also applies on two-lane roads where opposing traffic is not separated by a central barrier. If you must drive slower than other traffic on such a road, you must keep right and travel as close to the curb as possible. The “keep right” rule does not apply when preparing to make a left turn or passing another vehicle.
Stay on the right of the centerline
The “centerline” separates opposing streams of traffic and may not be in the exact center of the roadway. Motorists must not drive on the left of the centerline, except in the following situations:
- Traffic control devices indicate that you may use a lane that is to the left of the centerline, such as a center left-turn lane.
- You must avoid an obstruction in the road and can only do so by crossing the centerline. Even in this situation you must first yield to any drivers occupying the lane to your left.
- You must cross the center line to make a left turn in to or out of a private road, alley or driveway.
Obey traffic control devices
Drivers must always obey official traffic control devices, including signals, road signs and pavement markings. However, you must disregard traffic control devices if instructed to do so by authorized traffic control personnel, such as police officers, crossing guards or roadway construction workers.
Signal your intentions
Signaling your intention to turn, change lanes or pull out of a parking space is not only a safe practice, it is a legal requirement. Most state driver handbooks stipulate that drivers must signal their intention to turn continually for 100 feet prior to the turn, deactivating the signal only once the maneuver is complete.
Maintain a safe following distance

What constitutes a “safe following distance” varies based on roadway and traffic conditions. A distance that is appropriate in one situation may be deemed unsafe in another. All drivers must seek to maintain a safe distance from the vehicle ahead of them, without unduly disrupting the flow of traffic.
Your following distance should be determined by your speed, the number and position of other vehicles on the road, road surface conditions and weather conditions. The drivers of large vehicles such as trucks, recreational motor homes and cars towing trailers must also factor in how much space other vehicles will need to pass them. Maintaining a safe following distance is an issue discussed at length during later articles.
Always execute maneuvers safely
Drivers can be cited for executing a maneuver, if they do so without due caution. Maneuvers that are permitted (or not explicitly forbidden by road signs) can still be “illegal” if the execution of that maneuver endangers road users. Always wait for a safe opportunity to complete any driving maneuver and proceed with caution.
Observe backing up rules
Motorists are not permitted to reverse on roadway shoulders or limited access highways. Never back up if doing so would interfere with or endanger other road users.

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Child safety laws
Child safety rules are similar in every state. We explore child safety and restraint laws fully in a later article, though some general rules are outlined here:
Children may not travel on an adult’s lap, as they could be crushed in the event of an accident.
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Children must not be left unattended in a vehicle AT ANY TIME.
Children must be restrained with federally-approved, age and size-appropriate car seats.
There are differences in certain laws relating to underage passengers around the United States. For instance, Texas forbids children under the age of 16 to travel in the bed of a pickup truck unless that vehicle is in a parade or on private farmland. Look for state-specific child safety laws in your official driver's manual.
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Shapes of Signs
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There are seven basic shapes of signs, each with a special purpose. Other shapes may be used for special purposes. For example, various shields may be used as route markers, while two crossed panels may be found at railroad crossings.
This eight-sided red sign means STOP. You must make a complete stop at the stop line. If there is no stop line, stop before entering the crosswalk. If there is no crosswalk, stop before entering the intersection. Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and approaching traffic. If it is an all-way STOP sign, wait your turn. If the STOP sign is hand-held, stop until an authorized person, such as a school guard or construction zone flagger, signals that it is safe to proceed. |
This three-sided sign means YIELD the right-of-way. You must let all traffic and pedestrians near you go before you proceed. YIELD signs are red and white. |
This round sign means RAILROAD CROSSING ahead. RAILROAD CROSSING signs are yellow with a black crossbuck X and the letters RR. It is an advance warning sign that means a railroad track will cross the roadway ahead. In rural areas the sign may be up to 750 feet in advance of the railroad crossing. Slow down, look and stop if necessary. Roll your vehicle windows down and listen to make certain other noises do not block out the sound of a train. If a train is approaching, stop and wait. Do not try to race the train to the crossing. |
This diamond-shaped sign means WARNING. It may be yellow, yellow-green or orange with black wording or symbols. This sign warns you about hazards or possible hazards on or near the roadway. Slow down and use caution when you see these signs. |
This five-sided sign is shaped like an old school house. It is yellow or yellow-green with black symbols. It means either SCHOOL ZONE or SCHOOL CROSSING. If the sign shows two children walking, a school is near. If the sign shows two children walking with a downward pointing arrow, you are at a school crossing. |
This three-sided sign is shaped like a pennant. It is yellow with black wording. The sign will appear on the left side of a two-lane, two-way roadway. It is posted at the beginning of a NO-PASSING ZONE where 'no-passing' pavement markings are also used. |
Squares and/or rectangles can be used either as regulatory or as guide signs. |
Road Signs and Traffic Controls Devices
Colors of Signs
There are eight basic colors on signs, each of which has a special meaning. It is important that you memorize the meanings of the colors.
RED signs are regulatory signs and must be obeyed. They include STOP, YIELD, DO NOT ENTER or WRONG WAY. |
YELLOW is used for warning signs. These signs tell you of road conditions and dangers ahead. |
ORANGE also is used for warning signs. These signs alert you to possible dangers ahead due to construction and maintenance projects. |
GREEN is used for guide signs. These signs tell you where you are, which way to go and the distance. |
BLUE also is used for guide signs. These signs tell you about services along the roadway. |
BROWN is used for parks and recreation signs. |
Regulatory Signs
Regulatory signs tell you what to do. You must always obey them.
Stop An eight-sided (octagon) sign tells you to always make a full stop. You must make a complete stop at the stop line. If there is no stop line, stop before entering the crosswalk. If there is no crosswalk, stop before entering the intersection. Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and closely approaching traffic. If it is an all-way STOP sign, wait your turn. |
All-Way Stop This sign means there are four STOP signs at the intersection. Traffic from all directions must stop. The first driver to stop is the first driver to go. Other drivers must wait their turn. You also may see 3-WAY, 5-WAY or ALL-WAY signs. |
Yield The three-sided (triangle) sign tells you to give the right-of-way to all vehicles and pedestrians near you. Slow down to a safe speed and stop if necessary. When stopping, do so at a marked crosswalk or before entering the intersection. You also may see YIELD signs on expressway ramps. These signs are posted when there is no extra lane where drivers may speed up to merge with expressway traffic. |
Do Not Enter This sign is posted on one-way streets and other roadways you are not allowed to enter. You also will see this sign if you try to enter an expressway ramp in the wrong direction. |
Speed Zone Ahead The larger sign tells you there is a speed zone ahead. The smaller sign tells what the speed limit will be. |
Speed Limit Some signs show maximum and minimum speed limits for all types of vehicles on freeways and limited access highways. In construction and maintenance zones, posted speeds legally reduce the speed limit on that portion of the highway. Unless necessary for safety, driving slower than the minimum is illegal. |
Wrong Way This sign tells you that your vehicle is moving in the wrong direction. You will see this sign on expressway ramps a short distance past the DO NOT ENTER sign. You also will see this sign if you turn the wrong way into a one-way street, alley or driveway. |
No (Not Allowed) Signs having a red circle with a red slash from the upper-left to the lower-right mean no. The picture within the circle shows what is not allowed. |
No U-Turn These signs are posted on divided highways or expressways. You may see one where there is an opening in the divided highway that leads to the other side. These openings are for authorized vehicles only such as police cars, ambulances, snow plows, construction/maintenance equipment and other emergency vehicles. You may not use this opening. |
No Right Turn These signs indicate that no right turns are allowed. |
One-Way These signs are used on one-way streets or driveways. You must always go only in the direction of the arrow. |
Two-Way Left Turn Lanes Either of two signs can be used to indicate a two-way left turn lane in the center of a highway. Along with a sign, the two-way left turn lane is marked with yellow lines and white arrows. |
No Turn on Red This sign is used at some intersections. It tells you that a right turn on a red light or a left turn on a red light at intersecting one-way streets is prohibited. It may also show a red circle instead of the word red. |
Divided Highway This sign is used on approaches to a divided highway. It tells you that a median separates both directions of traffic on the road you are going to turn onto or cross. |
Keep Right This sign tells you where to drive when you approach traffic islands, medians or other obstructions in the middle of the roadway. You must drive to the side indicated by the arrow. |
Slower Traffic Keep Right This sign is posted for those driving slower than the normal speed of traffic on a multilane highway. It tells the slow driver to drive in the right lane. |
Stop Here on Red This sign is used when it is not clear where vehicles must stop at an intersection with traffic signals. |
Do Not Pass This sign tells you that you may not pass other vehicles. It is posted on some two-lane roads where traffic goes in both directions. There will also be yellow 'no passing' lines on the road |
Pass with Care This sign tells you that you are at the end of the no-passing zone. You may pass now only when it is safe. |
Road Closed This sign is used when the road is closed to all traffic. You may not continue on the road. |
Warning Signs
Warning signs alert you to conditions ahead. These signs are usually diamond-shaped and warn you about road hazards, construction sites, schools or other situations that require your special attention. While most warning signs are yellow, some Illinois communities may have fluorescent yellow-green pedestrian and school signs. Construction and maintenance warning signs are orange.
Pedestrian Crosswalk This sign tells you there is a crosswalk. However, it may not be at an intersection so you must watch both sides of the street for pedestrians. | |
Other Special Crossings These signs alert drivers in advance of special areas where vehicles and pedestrians may be crossing. | |
School Signs These signs warn you of school areas and crossings. Stay alert and watch for small children. Adult school crossing guards, auxiliary police or police officers often supervise these street crossings when students are going to and from school. School safety patrol members may assist the crossing guards. Slow down and stop when necessary. The first three signs show two children walking. They warn of school crossings ahead or of school buildings or grounds next to the roadway. The fourth sign shows two children walking in a crosswalk and is posted at school crossing signals. These two signs are used in areas where a reduced-speed school zone has been established. The posted speed applies only on school days when children are present (usual school hours are from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., but hours may vary), where a potential hazard exists because of the children’s close proximity to traffic, or when a light is flashing. Note: Some Illinois communities may have flourescent yellow–green signs. | |
Stop Ahead/Yield Ahead/Signal Ahead These signs warn of traffic controls ahead. Although the traffic signal may not yet be visible, the traffic signs are close enough to require you to start slowing down. Advance warning signs also are used in high-speed areas because of the longer distance needed to slow down or stop. | |
Intersections Ahead Four signs warn you of intersections ahead where traffic may exist or where a right or left turn may be required. A sign naming the intersecting road also may be posted. | |
Turns and Curves Certain signs are posted before turns and curves. The shape of the arrow tells you what to expect. A small sign showing the maximum safe speed also may be posted below the arrow. |
Exit Ramp Posted at freeway exit ramps, this sign shows the maximum safe speed a vehicle can be driven on the ramp. |
Slippery Pavement All roads are slippery and dangerous when wet. This sign warns of conditions that can cause you to lose control of your car. You should slow down because it takes longer to stop on slippery pavement. |
Downgrade This sign warns you of a dangerous hill. It may be very long or steep, or it may have sharp curves. Slow down before you start down the hill. |
Narrow Bridge This sign warns you that a bridge has a narrow roadway. The bridge width is 2 feet less than the width of the approach pavement. |
Reduction in Lanes This sign is used on multilane highways to warn you of a reduction in the number of traffic lanes in the direction you are traveling. Be prepared to change lanes or to allow other vehicles to merge into your lane. |
Road Narrows This sign warns drivers that a two-lane road suddenly narrows. |
No Passing This sign is used on two-lane, two-way roads. It warns you not to pass. The sign is posted on the left side of the road at the beginning of a no passing zone. |
Merging Lanes This sign tells you that two lanes of traffic going the same direction will soon merge into one lane. Be ready to either change lanes or allow other traffic to merge into your lane. Merge signs appear on expressways just before expressway ramps. The driver on the expressway slows down to let the driver on the ramp merge. |
Change in Direction This sign warns you of a change in direction or narrowing of the road. You may find several of these signs on the outside of a sharp curve or on approaches to a narrow bridge. |
Divided Highway Divided highways have a center strip that separates traffic going in opposite directions. The first sign is posted before a divided highway begins. The second sign is posted just before the divided highway ends. Be careful as you near the end of a divided highway. Two-way traffic will begin again. |
Two–Way Roadway This sign tells you that you are leaving a divided roadway and will be driving on a two-way highway. |
Construction Signs

A driver must always obey the posted work zone speed limit. Standard speed limits may be reduced due to the presence of workers or because normal driving conditions do not exist in a work zone. There may be narrow lanes, drop-offs between lanes or at the edge of pavement, lane closures, or construction equipment or obstructions near open lanes of traffic. The speed limit may be further reduced when workers are present.
The reduced speed in work zones is for the safety of both motorists and workers. Slower speeds give drivers more time to safely negotiate work zones. About 85 percent of work zone fatalities are motorists.
Workers Ahead These signs are posted far enough ahead to give you time to adjust your speed for any unusual conditions. When you see these signs, workers may be working close to your traffic lane. Follow the signs and adjust your speed to the posted work zone speed limit, stay alert, and keep a safe distance between your vehicle and all traffic barriers. | |
Warning Cones, Drums and Barricades These devices are used to protect you from dangerous locations in construction and maintenance areas. Traffic cones, drums and barricades mark a path for you to follow in a construction area. Drive slow, be alert for dangers and be prepared to stop. Barricades and vertical panels with sloping stripes warn the motorist to stay to the down sloping side. The examples shown are sloped downward to the left, telling the motorist to stay left of the vertical panel or barricade. | |
Warning Lights and Arrow Boards Warning lights help draw your attention to drums and barricades at night. Arrow boards warn the motorist of an upcoming lane closure,or caution when construction is ahead. This sign warns that there is a flagperson ahead. Always follow his/her directions. | |
Flagperson This sign warns that there is a flagperson ahead. Always follow his/her directions. | |
A driver should use caution when approaching a flagperson. The flagger will be working very close to your traffic lane. Slow down and be prepared to obey the signals of the flagperson. One of three devices combined with hand signals may be used to direct motorists. You must stop if signaled to do so. Be alert and remain stopped until signaled to proceed. A driver may encounter automated flagger assistance devices in work zones. A flagperson will be operating the device from nearby. The automated flagger must be obeyed the same as a flagperson. |
Hitting The Road: 12:43
Additional Resources
Road Signs and Their Meanings